New shows all seven nights a week from 7p-10p Eastern! Take a look at our current Affiliates.
EFFECTIVE May 2024: We are now 100% self-syndicated! That means no more paperwork needed to take the show and we’re excited to announce that all recorded inventory is now 100% local spots – no more network spots! Please reach out to to get started with Free Talk Live, via our downloadable show segments or our live streamed audio feed.
ATTENTION LPFM & Non-commercial stations: As of January 2024, we now have a commercial-free version of Free Talk Live available. Please reach out to
to get access.
If you haven’t yet, you should listen to an archive. You can find full archives of the radio show here.
Since you might want to hear cherry-picked moments, you can listen to our 5 minute Shortform Demo and download our :30 and :60 promo packs. If there is something else that’s not here that you are looking for, please email ian at

Why You Should Add Free Talk Live to Your Lineup
ZERO network spots. As of May 2024, we’re 100% independently syndicated, so we turned over all our network inventory to our stations. Now all recorded inventory is 100% local spots!
NO Affiliate Agreement
Paperwork is a hassle. We agree to provide you with an original show, seven nights per week and we ask that you just keep us informed of when and how you are airing us, pretty please! Reach out to to get started. -
Time tested and stable
(no change to text) -
100% Streamable
(no change to text) -
Fresh content seven nights per week.
There aren’t many shows that do this, but Free Talk Live is not your average syndicated show. There is really nothing like it out there.
Important Documents
FTL Logos
Okay, you’ve sold me. How do I add Free Talk Live?
Easier than ever. We no longer require any pesky affiliate agreement paperwork. We just want to know when you will be airing the show, and how you plan to receive it. First check out our program clock, then reach out to our Affiliate Relations department at and you’ll get the details on how you can either download our show segment files or grab our live streamed audio.
:60 and :30 Promos
We have a ton of evergreen promos available for you to use on your station, in both :60 and :30 versions. Each has around 7-8 seconds on the end for you to tag on your local airtimes. They range from funny to serious, so use whatever you feel fits your station best. At this time, we are offering them in downloadable .ZIP files full of .MP3 files:
- :60 Taggable Promos – Over 170 different evergreen sixty second Free Talk Live promos in a .ZIP file.
- :30 Taggable Promos – Over 190 different evergreen sixty second Free Talk Live promos in a .ZIP file.