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Should you wish to dig further back, you can visit our Soundcloud page to go back to 2011. Finally, to hear the earliest shows, you can download these torrents for Season One and Season Two from when we were a local show.

What’s on your mind? Unlike those right-wing or left-liberal extremist shows, Free Talk Live is libertarian talk radio that ANYONE can take control of. Yes, even you. Free Talk Live is the next generation of issues-oriented talk. What is the meaning of freedom? This show is about Liberty with a capital L.
Immigrants getting sent to Guantanamo Bay :: Torture and rendition in GB :: Problems with welfare and immigration :: Taxation and the fact it is theft :: California forced to release water :: Alternative history like who built the 1890s asylums :: Learned helplessness :: The Trivium method :: The public schools just brain wash the kids :: Update on Ian’s case :: Left wing corporate media bias :: US gov is using torture :: Guantanamo taking US’s illegal immigrants :: US relies on a facade :: Elizabeth Warren asked RFK Jr not to sue pharma companies :: Should you be on Prep if you’re promiscuous? El Salvador taking US’s immigrants in their prisons :: 2025-02-08 :: Bonnie, Riley, Stu