About our Shows
What is the Free Talk Live Network?
The Free Talk Live Network features some of the best libertarian shows out there, seven days per week, on broadcast radio and online via podcast, direct download, and streaming audio. Here are the shows currently appearing as part of the Free Talk Live Network:
Free Talk Live
Free Talk Live is the next generation of issues-oriented talk. What is the meaning of freedom? This show is about Liberty with a capital L. Free Talk Live is an open phones panel discussion with a variety of hosts. FTL airs from their network studio in Keene, New Hampshire. You can listen live or via MP3 archive via the links in the top menu. Free Talk Live is an outreach project of the Shire Free Church and features various voices from New Hampshire’s liberty activist community. Most of our hosts are here in NH as part of the Shire Society or Free State Project.
Declare Your Independence
Ernest Hancock strives to create an understanding of the Philosophy of Liberty. Understanding is far more important than agreement – that will come in its own time. “Declare Your Independence” works closely with FreedomsPhoenix.com to ‘Uncover the Secrets and Expose the Lies’ so that we can flourish in a very exciting future. Ernest has longtime relationships with activists across the country. Known as a radical, Ernest is always engaging, entertaining, and his brand of freedom is unforgettable to all who meet him. “Freedom’s The Answer, What’s the Question?!” On the Free Talk Live network every Monday.
Liberty at Night
Two business owners and former touring musicians bring you a unique take on news, politics, and how to pursue a meaningful life in the most Libertarian way possible. On “Liberty at Night“, Nate and Charlie explain politics and economics in a digestible fashion, and they’re also funny as hell! They don’t just complain about the world’s problems, they offer real libertarian solutions that are easy to understand, and even easier to implement. On the Free Talk Live network every Tuesday.
Liberty Conspiracy
Become part of the Conspiracy, because freedom is out of fashion nowadays! Gardner Goldsmith is a writer and lecturer in the fields of fiction, and non-fiction. He is a writer for MRCTV and lectures in political philosophy, economics, and philosophy, as well as releasing fiction, which can be found on Amazon and Barnes and Noble. In addition to his show on Free Talk Live, you can watch Liberty Conspiracy weekdays at 6 pm eastern on Rumble, Rokfin, and Gardner’s Twitter feed, which is @gardgoldsmith, and you can find his Substack, which features the big Sunday News Assembly, covering major stories related to liberty and adding contextual information to help carry away large lessons to apply in the future. On the Free Talk Live network every Friday.