Industry honors don’t get bigger than this. Every year at their convention in New York City, talk radio’s premiere industry publication, TALKERS Magazine awards the “Gene Burns Memorial Award for Freedom of Speech”, which prior to Burns’ death in 2013 was called the “Freedom of Speech Award”. Burns was the award’s first recipient in 1988 and I’m extremely honored to be its recipient this year of 2022.
TALKERS has stated their prestigious award is given to broadcasters who “have demonstrated through their words, deeds and courage the First Amendment in action, its purpose and how it operates.” Past recipients include Rush Limbaugh, Howard Stern, Sean Hannity, Thom Hartmann, G. Gordon Liddy, Al Franken, Glenn Beck, Matt Drudge, and more. There’s no doubt that the hosts of Free Talk Live, the country’s only syndicated libertarian radio show, are dedicated to freedom, especially the freedom of speech. While I am the founder of the show, all of our co-hosts share the same philosophy. I’m super grateful to the people at TALKERS for this award.
In any normal year, I’d be attending the TALKERS convention in NYC to accept the award in person. This year however, I’m currently on highly restrictive bail conditions as I await trial in the Crypto Six case. Unless I can get the prosecution to agree to let me attend, I’m stuck at home. Thankfully, Mark Edge will be there to accept the award in my stead. Would I have been able to speak, I’d have said something like this:
I’m grateful to Michael, Kevin, and the rest of TALKERS Magazine’s staff for presenting me with the Freedom of Speech Award. Every year we gather here in New York City and gratitude is often expressed that as an industry, we are free to share our opinions on the radio. However, is it really true that we have free speech? Or, is it simply that most talk radio hosts have opinions that are within an acceptable range? (more…)
I was honored to be invited to speak on a panel about Central Bank Digital Currencies (CBDCs) regarding them being a moral hazard. Many government gangs are moving towards implementing a CBDC and that is very bad news for financial freedom. Here is the full 22 minute panel discussion. Thank you to Chris from Sustany Capital for hosting the conference.
Radio industry publication TALKERS Magazine’s “Heavy Hundred” is their list of the “most important radio talk show hosts in America” and we’ve moved from from #25 to #24 on the 2022 edition! It is an honor to continue to be included and moved up year after year. Thank you to the great people at TALKERS. If you missed TALKERS publisher Michael Harrison interviewing me recently, you can find that here.
I was honored to appear on “The Michael Harrison Interview”, hosted by the publisher of TALKERS Magazine himself, Michael Harrison. We covered the history of Free Talk Live, our move to New Hampshire as part of the Free State Project, the libertarian movement, Cop Block, Robin Hood of Keene, and the FBI’s nearly two-decades of targeting of liberty activists in Keene. We also discussed the Crypto Six, jail, online scams, and cryptocurrency as a means to fostering peace.
What’s on your mind? Unlike those right-wing or left-liberal extremist shows, Free Talk Live is libertarian talk radio that ANYONE can take control of. Yes, even you. Free Talk Live is the next generation of issues-oriented talk. What is the meaning of freedom? This show is about Liberty with a capital L.
The LPNH has a messaging problem. They have several messaging problems, actually. This week, Aria sits down with Rachel and Spencer to talk about those problems, and the prospect of having new leadership in the Libertarian Party of New Hampshire.